Author: Kevin Lawver

  • VM conference

    Someone cooler than me posted a recap of the Veronica Mars conference I participated in. Brownie points and bragging rights for the first person to identify my question!\
    Here is a quote from Rob: The first episode is Veronica Mars for beginners. The case is pretty straight ahead and used to largely introduce us to the new characters. I’ve tried to really front load the episodes with fun breezy banter, that would play nicely with the Gilmore Girls audience, sort of inviting them into the show. It starts feeling more like our show in the final five minutes. The second episode which ranks with some of our best ever, is Veronica Mars at its best.\
    See, he made it easy for you guys to catch up with Veronica Mars. And the episode does a great job of introducing characters to the new audience without long expositions. Thumbs up for Rob on that aspect.

  • My Ode to Rob Thomas

    I love Rob Thomas. Not the guy from Matchbox Twenty. I am talking about the creator of Veronica Mars. He is funny, down-to-earth, and so frakkin’ accessible to his fans, that I want to smoosh him.\
    Ok, this was a small ode, but very heartfelt.\
    Remember when I complained about being off of the cool kids’ list? Well, I made it on the list, and got to participate in a telephone conference call with Rob himself. YAY! That makes me deliriously happy.\
    PS, I have already seen the season premiere. WHEEE. More info tomorrow. Kisses!


    The end of the Arizona/St. Louis game had me booing the officials. BOOOOO! The ref asked St. Louis wether they wanted to accept the a penalty. They declined, which set up a free kick for Arizona. Realizing this, St Louis changed their mind and the officials let them. Hello? St. Louis was asked, and already gave an answer. THE FRAKKIN’ COACH SHOULD ALREADY KNOW THE RULES and should not be allowed to ‘change his mind.’ BOOOOOOOOO! That call totally sucked.

  • Bad Idea

    Can we agree now that the invasion of Iraq was a bad idea? Nothing that the Administration said would happen has happened:

    • There were no WMD.
    • Saddam had no ties to Al Qaeda.
    • We weren’t greeted as liberators.
    • Fighting them there hasn’t made us safer here.
    • Democracy hasn’t “flourished” in Iraq or been a good example to anyone.
    • We could fight the war on the “cheap”.
    • We could do it without losses. If you think the war is worth it, worth the sacrifice, read this, and think about it again.\
      On top of the things that the Administration got completely wrong, they’ve turned this country upside down. The United States of America has now admitted to torturing suspects. We’ve admitted to hiding prisoners in secret and illegal prisons scattered throughout the world. We’ve sent innocent people to other countries to be tortured for knowledge they didn’t have. We’ve let Osama bin Laden escape for 5 years. That’s five years of tough talk and inexcusable mistakes at all levels of government.\
      Whatever the President’s intentions, or the intentions of those who support him, he’s a complete and utter failure. And that’s not a “partisan” statement. Really think about it. Look at what he said would happen in Iraq, or after Katrina, or how we would find bin Laden. Nothing he has promised has happened. Nothing he has claimed has turned out to be true. He told us we don’t torture. He told us we followed the Geneva Conventions. He told us New Orleans would be rebuilt. He’s either a liar, or the most imcompetant leader in modern history… I’d bet on both.\
      Our government is a disgrace, a disgrace to its citizens, its history and its ideals. It’s time to do something to change it.\
      How? Vote. Vote in November and do what you can to kick out of office anyone who supports our incompetant president and his cronies, no matter what party they belong to. Yes, most of them happen to be Republicans, but the Democrats are still responsible for not standing up stridently enough. They could have stopped the Patriot Act. They could have done more to hold those responsible accountable for their actions. Some Democrats, like Joe Lieberman, actually support this Administrations ridiculous policies.\
      Vote for people who will hold them accountable, who will find the truth, and do something about it. If we don’t, we’re just as guilty as those who approved the torture, who ordered the bombs to be dropped, who have failed so completely to do the right thing.
  • Slow Recovery

    I’m slowly getting better. I’m still congested, but at least I’m off the steroids. I’ve still got the awesome horse decongestants and I still sound pretty bad. But, at least I feel well enough to go to work and actually contribute.\
    Today, I did a favor for my old manager and did training for some of his new folks. We talked about standards-based development, markup, CSS and DOM scripting. It was fun going through the old presentations again, but it was obvious to me how rusty I am with the whole teaching thing. There was a time last year when I had those presentations down and could go through them and the explanations were all practiced and came out fluidly. Today, not so much. I blame the congestion and the drugs… but I’m just out of practice. It was still fun, even though now I’ve almost completely lost my voice.\
    This weekend is all about recovery… soup, sleep, stupid movies and football. Oh yeah, and I updated the blogroll today. It’s much bigger than it was before, and is still an export of my feeds from NetNewsWire (minus all the Flickr feeds, wikis, work and my stuff). So, it’s actually a pretty decent representation of what I follow.

  • I’m alive!

    The kids and I made it through Kevin’s first day back at work and I slept for 5 hours straight last night. I think things are finally improving. (Knock on wood.)

  • Beware

    A plague has descended upon this house. :(\
    Why no, that is not me being melodramatic about everyone being really sick AND having to clean up kid vomit in the middle of the night. Why do you ask?

  • Waa

    Earlier when I said I was sick, I was wrong. I was merely being inconvenienced with a splitting headache, burning chest, hacking cough and menstrual cramps on top of all that. Now, I am really sick. Fever, sweats, stabbing pain throughout my body. My legs and hips feel like the victim of a voodoo doll in the hands of an enemy. And my mouth tastes like some roadkill that was resurrected, moved in to my mouth, and then was creamed again. There isn’t enough mouthwash in the world to get rid of the taste right now. :(\
    After I have one of my half-coughing/half-vomiting attacks, Brian mimics me by fake coughing, all gravelly-like. I worry he is hurting his throat. But I guess he’d stop if it became painful.\
    ETA- Ahh, bad!mommy strikes again. Max’s school called because he is sick. Even though he had a slight cough this morning, I sent him to school anyway figuring he’d be better off there. Guess not. The poor boy threw up in the lunchroom and has a fever of 102.

  • Oh Come On!

    How unfair is it that I have a chest cold that makes it impossible to breathe deeply AND menstrual cramps that require deep, relaxing breaths? I think I need a brownie. But that would just clog up my throat even more. Pooh! So unfair.\
    ETA- And my Midol isn’t working at all. It is a conspiracy, I tell you! Sheesh!