Last night Max and Brian slept in the same bed, as they sometimes do. A few minutes after being tucked in, Kevin and I heard Max crying. He gets sad at night and frequently cries (a story for another time), so we weren’t alarmed or surprised. Before we could get up to the bedroom, Brian got out of the bed, stood at the top of the stairs and yelled down, “Be-dan Ma’ (Brian’s name for Max) is crying, Momma! He is crying!” Kevin met Brian in the hall and he repeated, “Be-dant Ma’ is crying. He has an owie.” How adorable is that? Max didn’t really have an owie, but I guess that is what made most sense to Brian. While Kevin was calming Max down, Brian kept repeating to him, “Everybody loves you, Be-dan Ma’”. Brian is such a sweetheart.\
This morning, Brian was playing with a blanket that has drawings of sheep on it and pretending to pick up the sheep. Max swooped in and pretended to steal away one of the sheep. Brian threw a fit and started crying, flailing, and then kind of attacked Max to get the sheep back. They actually fought about this for over five minutes. Several times Max tried to put the sheep back on the blanket, but Brian wouldn’t accept it; he wanted to take the sheep back from Max.
Brothers- Two Stories
YAY for the small bits of happiness.
Brian went peepee in the potty today, of his own volition! That was the big triumph of the day.\
How was your day? -
The Great Stache Off Begins
It’s started! For two months, I’ll be shaving every day, except for my mustache “area”. Yes, The Great Stache Off has begun! I have a goal of raising two thousand bucks for the Sean Kimerling Testicular Cancer Foundation () in two months. I’ve never really done anything like this, but, I think the idea is so funny, and such a great way to raise money, that I couldn’t resist.\
So… if you’ve got some spare dough, why not help a nut out? If for nothing else, so Cletus can make a comeback!\
(the possibilities for puns and naughtiness for the next two months are endless… expect lots and lots of ball jokes)\
Update: I’ll be doing daily photo updates over on Flickr. You can follow along (yes, day one is kind of pathetic, but I’m not a yeti… it’ll take a good week before it looks like anything)!\
I’m super tired and have heartburn for the fifth time this week, but it’s Friday. YAY!\
Kevin and I are gathering friends and family to attend our first protest; I guess we really are hippies now: ‘End the War’ March on Washington on September 15. Who else wants to go? -
A Couple Awesome Things
First off, anyone who can find a funny way to raise money for a charity, especially one dealing with hairblz, is awesome. The Great Mustache Contest is awesome. Not only do they have a killer tag line: “Because it takes balls to grow a mustache”, they’re raising money for testicular cancer research – by getting guys to grow mustaches!\
I’m still thinking about it… the only thing holding me back is that I may be speaking at a conference smack in the middle of the contest, and I’m not sure I want to go speak, representing AOL, sporting a Cletus. But, I may go ahead and do it anyway (update: I went ahead and signed up – the donate button will appear on the site shortly).Secondly, the awesome Scott Andrew is self-producing his new album. I accidentally discovered Scott a long time ago and loved his work with The Walkingbirds. I met him at SxSW, and he’s a really good guy. He’s accepting donations to try to finish up the album, and I think that’s great. It takes balls (there they are again!) to go it alone and try to do it all yourself, and I think that should not only be applauded, but supported. The more artists are able to really go it alone without having to sell their souls to corporate record labels, and make it work, that can only mean good things for music fans. It means more music for us, and gets us closer to the artists we like. Go, Scott, go!\
I’m slowly working on the Rails app that will power The International Day of Awesomeness blog and an extra special something that my pal Kedar suggested. Slowly because by the time I do 9-10 hours of “real” work, and spend a couple hours playing with the boys, I’m pretty much shot. I’ve got things started, but nowhere near ready to launch – but keep your eyes peeled. I’m hoping to launch it in the next month or so… -
Amusement Park!
Tim, Monica and Sam are in town, so we all went to Six Flags (“we all” = Tim, Monica, Sam, Dad, Steve, Jen, Max, Brian and me)! We spent most of the day in the kiddie area and then we hit the water rides.\
This picture above was taken on Brian’s first roller coaster ride. The boy’s a daredevil. He loved it, and went several more times with with whoever would take him.\
A good time was had by all, but we’re all exhausted. Brian conked out on the way home for an hour, and then was so tired when we got home, he asked to go to bed. While we’re sleeping, enjoy the rest of the pictures! -
This is me!
Just substitute chocolate for the wine: Come home, Daddy!\
I can handle the kids the first 90% of the time Kevin is gone. Once that anticipation of Kevin coming home hits me, I am done for. If he is just at work, then I start to lose it around 4 pm. If he is gone on a three-day business trip, I lose it about half way through the third day. If he is gone for three weeks, I am fine for 18 days in a row- IN A ROW!!- until I sense that he will soon be home. It’s weird to me that I can be fine for 18 days in a row but can’t always handle a whole regular work day. I guess it is because I know I have to handle it when he is away on business. -
Big Brother Spoilers Below!
I’ve joked in the past about being a bad mom, a bad friend, maybe even a bad wife. Tonight, I come to you humbly to admit, with no reservation or joking, that I am truly a bad, bad person: I LOVE BIG BROTHER! Kevin’s all sad and thinks it is a train-wreck of a show because the people are mean, dumb, and selfish. I, however, think it is entertainment gold because the people are mean, dumb, and selfish. I haven’t intentionally watched Big Brother since the first or second season, but this season just grabbed me from the start (I was in the room when Kevin watched the premiere).\
Amber asking, “What’s integrity [etc] mean?” Priceless.\
Amber crying while saying that she was done crying. Priceless.\
Amber adamantly saying that she wasn’t going to agree with anything Danielle offered and then volunteering to give away ALL of her power to Danielle? Priceless.\
And just so you don’t think it is all about Amber, Zack cock-blocking Eric was so awesome! Add in Eric’s squeaking and it becomes… Priceless.\
I don’t like any of these people, so watching them go at it is entertaining as hell. However, I feel like an attendee at one of Michael Vick’s parties. I need a shower.\
My one non-bitchy thought: I am naively hopeful that Amber or Danielle will win something during their surprise trip. It won’t happen, but the thought makes me squeee. Really.\
Also, I don’t mind Amber’s focus on God, but I wish someone could give her some kind, but faithful, perspective. I am sick of the sentiments like this one from TWoP: “…perhaps the lord has been remiss in his duties in Iraq because he has been planning this big event for Amber.” I laughed, cuz yes, I am a bad person. But really, maybe God is blessing Amber by not winning. Seriously. Or maybe God gave her a vision (I am just going to accept that she believes it) so that she would have the confidence to win 2nd place and get to go on a neat trip and/or to get off of the block.\
CBS has been editing the hell out of the show- not showing Dick’s misogynistic attacks on the women, Amber’s anti-Jewish rant. But whatever, I am enjoying the show. Like I said, I am a bad bad person. -
Morphine Day!
No, I haven’t decided to become a morphiend. I’m talking about one of my all-time favorite bands, the amazing, soulful, power trio – Morphine. For no reason in particular, I’ve decided that today is Morphine Day and I’ll be listening to the wonderful sounds of the band, plus the related bands that came before and after: Treat Her Right and Twinemen (and I’ll probably even throw in Orchestra Morphine). Here’s the playlist:\
From Morphine (in order of how much I looooove them):- Bootleg Detroit
- Cure for Pain
- Good
- Yes
- Like Swimming
- B-Sides and Otherwise (I might skip this one in favor of Sandbox)\
From Mark Sandman: - Sandbox\
From Treat Her Right: - What’s Good For You\
And then Twinemen and Orchestra Morhine: - Live Boston, MA 10/23/03
- Twinemen\
In other news, my 30gb iPod is almost full…
I’m alive! And Awake!
Brian’s nocturnal activities sent me to sleepyland by 7 last night. It was so glorious until he woke up again in the middle of the night. He kept jumping on me in bed. He knew though that it was still “bedtime” until the sun and sky got up. But since he was in bed, he wasn’t breaking any rules!