The news and entertainment shows have been showing that crazy bride video after I linked to it. My new motto should be: shares crap first. It turns out that the crazy bride video was a fake, posted by a wanna-be actress, which is ok by me because I questioned its authenticity in my post. Had I not, I would have been embarrassed. Also, I don’t think the bride was so great, but her friends did an awesome job of acting. Major kudos to them. They felt so real to me, I wanted to bitch-slap two of them and pet the third.\
Here is another awesome video totally worth one minute and ten seconds of your time: The Liberation of Katie Holmes. It’s an oldie, but a goody.\
Max is back at school. Hope he is doing ok. Cross your fingers! But he passed his cold to Kevin. Boooo! And to Brian. Super booooo! We ran out of baby cold medicine this morning. “Oh noes” heard all around the Lawver house this morning. Until I realized that Brian isn’t a baby. He is old enough to actually take most of the same medicine Max can. Then a whole new type of “Oh noes” were heard being wailed.\
In other awesome news-\
Supernatural kicked ass last week. Kicked. Ass. Literally. Figuratively. Lots of ass, lots of kicking. The CW is streaming the episode online if anyone is interested. A new episode airs tonight. Yippeee!\
Veronica Mars has been super cool since coming back from holiday hiatus. It, too, is being streamlined on the web.\
That’s all I got. What’s being awesome in your life? -
Max is still sick, but happy in spirit, and I am tired of it! (Him being sick). I haven’t been able to go to Costco, my household routine is in disarray, and Brian and I are tired of staying inside. And I am sure as heck tired of getting up early in the morning, unnecessarily. Booooooo to it all.
I’m not sure if this is even real…
With friends like these…
Checking Out
I’m checking out of politics. I was trying to keep up with news and what’s been going on since the election, but I just don’t have the energy. We won in November, Bush is still an idiot (and President), Cheney is still Darth Vader (did you see the interview on CNN? need more proof?), and we’re still in a bad war with no end in sight. Me paying attention to the inaction and bickering isn’t going to change anything.\
Why I’m blogging about this, I don’t know. I just felt like I needed to say it out loud so I could turn off all my politics feeds and not feel guilty about it (because I told you I was doing it). I’ll probably flip things back on when primary season starts up and when the presidential field calms down a bit. Until then, it’s nose to the grindstone with work, family and photography. That’s a lot less contentious than politics anyway, right? -
I’m Steppin’ Out on Ya’
My pals over at dev.aol.com asked me during Mashup Camp to start a blog over on their site. I’ve wanted to start a geekier blog to do more long form posts on all things web, but just haven’t had the time or drive to really get it set up (you know, I can’t use default templates, it’s just not me). Well, here’s my chance, so I said yes (you know, I don’t think I’ve ever said no to Naveed – must ponder that one). I posted my first entry tonight. My goal is to post over there at least once a week – though two a week would be great. I’ve got way too much going on right now (product managing and writing a lot of the code for a new product, trying to write 1/3 of a book, taking more pictures, preparing for two sessions at SxSW, a couple other possible conferences, etc), but I think this is a good thing to support and to help out with. So, check it out if you want, and let me know what you think – suggestions for stuff you’d like me to write about would be greatly appreciated.
The Big 9!
Hey peeps! What’s up?\
There is a new Veronica Mars on tonight. Woohoo! It’s counter programming to all of the lies and filth being shown on the other channels tonight. Check it out, 9pm EST on The CW!!\
Also, it’s my anniversary people, let’s PAR-TAY!\
Over the past 9 years, Kevin and I combined have experienced:\
2 kids,\
4 in-town moves,\
2 dye-jobs,\
4 broken bones,\
1 super horrible hair cut,\
buying 1 house,\
4 operations,\
1 cross-country move,\
buying 4 cars,\
1 helicopter ride,\
6 wedding rings,\
1 heart attack of a parent,\
2 family weddings,\
1 car crash,\
1 BFF divorce,\
1 trip in an ambulance,\
3 tivos,\
3 uncles that passed away,\
4 prescriptions for anti-depressants,\
2 family vacations,\
7 trips overseas,\
3 parents retiring,\
12 business trips in the US,\
6 trips to visit family,\
1 big snowstorm,\
and 4 sets of neighbors.\
What have you experienced in the last 9 years? -
Mashup Camp Three Recap
Mashup Camp 3 wrapped up a couple hours ago, and as far as I’m concerned, it was a gigantic success. I’ve had more fun at this “unconference” than at any conference since SxSW. Everyone was really into what they were doing, and there was a minimum of people there purely hawking their own stuff and not participating (which was my main problem with the last one in Mountain View). There were great sessions, and I was so geeked about everything, I ended up spending all of Tuesday building a mashup so I could share it at Speed Geeking. I ended up building a mashup of a feed reader and your buddy list that I unfortunately called Buddy Stalker, even though there’s very little “stalking” involved. It’s just a way to get a feed reader filled with things you’re likely to care about (the content your buddies create) without the initial setup cost of finding feeds, adding them, pruning them, etc. I ended up in the bunch of third place winners, which was great, when I consider that I did it in one day and that it was the first thing I’ve ever launched using Ruby on Rails.\
I met some great people, and had some great discussions. Here are just some of my favorite people from this week: John Gerken from IBM, David Janes, the Herrens, Nate Ritter and Chris Radcliff from Eventful, Kaliya, Raj Bala, Frank (if you’re out there, I never got your last name… we’ll find you a Ruby Users Group in Little Rock, I promise) and Shimmy from Angelwish, just to name a few.\
I think I ended up overdoing it a little… I ended up proposing and/or running four sessions, doing one presentation at Mashup University, and speed geeking for two days. My poor throat is shot – between talking too much and the cold dry air, it’s a raw mess. But, it was totally worth it. I got to talk about microformats, standards, the semantic web (both lower and uppercase), and in the last session, ruby on rails. It’s been a full week to say the least.\
There are pictures to go look at, and lots and lots of stuff to think about and work on going forward. There are several more posts in me to discuss all the stuff we talked about this week, but they’ll have to wait. I need to pack and get some sleep. -
The kids are fed, bathed, and in bed; the living room is clean; the dishes are done; and the trash has been taken out. I AM DONE! Goodnight!
I don’t like Twitter.\
Yea, I said it.\
Whatchu gonna do ’bout it?