Chicken Little, the new animated movie voiced by Zack Braff, is amusing, entertaining, and full of rockin’ tunes, but man, do I hate it. The father constantly belittles and ignores Chicken Little and he ignores his coach’s specific instruction, in order to gain glory. Kevin bought the movie 2 or 3 weeks ago thinking it would be a nice diversion for while the kids were sick. It worked. They love it. I think we’ve played the movie 2 or 3 dozen times. But it still sucks.
Category: entertainment
Remember when I squeed all over myself about last week’s Supernatural? Well, last night’s was even better. You guys really need to watch this. I didn’t steer you wrong with Veronica Mars, did I? (Speaking of which, I just recieved an email from a friend thanking me for hooking her on Veronica Mars. Hee.)\
Last night’s episode was the awesomest awesome that ever awesomed. (Two points for anyone who gets that reference.) As always, the show delivered a great balance of emotion and humor. And it added the scary! Not since The X-Files have I been so scared. Previously, my only real criticism of the show had been that it wasn’t as scary as it was trying to be. But last night’s episode used the ‘less is more’ mentality employed by Jaws. The suspense of what you think might happen is scarier than anything that could have been shown. A** for an excellent episode.\
Who out there is watching this show too? -
Small World, Good World
One of the victims in the Amish school shooting is Anna Mae Stoltzfus. We’ve been up up to the Stoltzfus place to buy eggs and cheese and met Mrs. Stoltzfus and most of the kids. We call Mrs. Stoltzfuz the egg lady and Anne travels up there so frequently they are practically Christmas card buddies. I am not sure if this is the exact same family, or maybe some cousins. Sad though, either way.\
Yesterday, on Max’s birthday, the kids and I spent three hours at the doctor’s office. It was not fun but the kids were very well behaved. I was especially impressed with Brian whose nap was interupted for the appointment and who refused to eat lunch because I wouldn’t give him an early peice of birthday cake. I wasn’t expecting such a long visit, so I didn’t bring any toys or snacks with me! Brian only started fussing the last half hour, which was almost 9 hours since he’d eaten last. By the time we got home, we were frazzled and tired. We goofed off for an hour, unwinding. By the time the pizza came, Max was too tired to eat. We opened presents, sang happy birthday, offered the smallest peice of cake to each boy, and the sent them off to bed. Whew. Max was very pleased with his haul. So was Brian. :)\
Totally O/T but funny- After Max read my Parents magazine today, he asked what “boobies” are. Ha. Should I be happy or sad he didn’t know before? -
The confessions of a true fangirl
I took part in a teleconference with Eric Kripke, creator and Executive Producer of Supernatural, lastnight. It was fun and amusing and enlightening. Talking with him made me squee, cuz he loves his show and that enthusiasm is infectious. He was asked questions about: a potential love interest, John’s fate, Sam’s powers, Dean’s amulet, Dean’s bloody eyes in Bloody Mary, what John said in the season premiere, the Myspace music contest, gay jokes and “Jensen and Jared can’t keep their hands off of each other.” I copied the unofficial transcript here. Bragging rights to the first person who correctly identifies my question!\
I am really impressed with the attention to detail and his insistence that all monsters and demons refered to must be found in real myths and folklore. Nothing can just be made up. I also love that he is in tune with the fans desires and fears and said, “We’ll keep something if it works and get rid of something if it doesn’t. I am a bigger fan than anyone and am very protective of the show.” He also gave us some scoop (extra, extra, you read it hear first!) that they are in talks to do a comic book about John Winchester, the early years, with Sam and Dean as wee babies.\
I love being able to chat with the guys in charge, to get a feel for their general attitude about different aspects of their shows. It was fun and I hope to continue having these neat-o opportunities. -
Max and lots o’ tv talk
Today is Max’s birthday. He is the big 7. I can’t believe it. He is such a handsome, funny, smart, and thoughtful boy. He is in the first grade and has classes in art, music, PE, and Spanish. They also have library time, computer lab time, and SEARCH instruction (like GATE). I am like, when do you have time to learn anything? Heh. He has his first school math book-wheee, and even has homework to do each night.\
Since we are still kind of sick, we are having a small celebration tonight with just the family who lives and breathes on and shares germs with other everyday. Pizza, cake & ice cream, and presents! Sounds fun, huh? And then later in the week, we will get together with the other family members. Hopefully, we will be all better then.\
Now, for the only other thing I seem to post about: TV!\
Gilmore Girls: Pretty good episode. Luke’s “You are the one that proposed to me,” was a killer. Ouch. The Lane sex talk was potentially interesting until it became farcical, especially the way Lane was raised. Remember kids, knowledge is power. Rory calling out her mom was awesome and realistic, in my opinion. Finally, Rory was a grmupy ass with realistic reason. And then she got to realize that parents aren’t perfect, without beating us over the head. Much thanks to the writers for understanding that viewers have a brain. And how freakin’ crazy is it that Liz and TJ have the healthiest relationship on the show?\
Veronica Mars: Ok, people, why aren’t you watching this show? (Maybe viewers don’t have a brain, afterall.) Since Kevin hasn’t seen the episode yet (he was busy wrapping presents lastnight), I don’t want to get too detailed, but I loved:- Piz. Has a lot of entertainment potential.
- Dick never fails to entertain me.
- BSG shout out! (And one on GG earlier, too.)
- “What about the bitch he’s seeing?” Heeee!
- “Nice shirt” OMG, I LOVE these people. How awesome was this one moment? I still miss what Duncan could have been in season two.
- Damn, that sex looked hot.
- I so appreciate the end. (Purposeful vagueness for those who haven’t watched it yet.)\
Nip/Tuck: After Rosie pimped her appearance, I had to watch. Wow, she was kind of amazing in it. There wasn’t a hint of Rosie’s public persona in that character. I was also surprised to learn that they are tackling the problems of Scientology on the show. That is ballsy.\
Studio 60: I laughed so hard, I coughed up a lung. I heart Bradley Whitford and Matthew Perry together.\
Danny: I can’t seem to remember. Are you a boy pussycat or a girl pussycat?\
Matt: What the hell?\
Danny: You’re a boy pussycat. You’re a pussy-boy.
Dudes! Other people like Supernatural too: Supernatural Premiere Review.:\
bq. Against all odds, “Supernatural” is just plain cool. But the show isn’t cool in the way of hip, well-dressed prime time TV stars aspire to be. Instead, “Supernatural” is its own kind of Americana cool, with classic rock tunes blasting out of an old beat-up Chevy Impala filled to the brim with salt-loaded shotguns and holy water… Weaving its own way through haunted highways and small towns, “Supernatural” is a refreshing break from most network horror shows. While the promos might seem glitzy thrown in with the rest of CW’s fare, try looking past the surface and you’ll see an intriguing mythology emerging in the heart of America.\
And um, to prove that I have a life beyond tv and vomiting kids: Go Redskins! (Oh wait, that is TV) I could update you on Max’s pneumonia, but that falls under the vomiting kids category. Uh. Um. Thinks really hard. Scratches head. I will leave you with this thought: E probably still equals M times C Squared, but I am kinda too busy thinking how Polka Dots changes the Joe and Blue dynamic and how best to get my kids to keep their food down to really know for sure. -
Rediscovering the Music Video
It’s been a long time since I saw a video on American MTV. I think the last time I saw one on TV at all was on MTV Europe while in France at the W3C Plenary (I saw some great ones on MTV India… wow… twisted, but in a different way than German techno videos… avert your eyes – they can scar your retinas). But, recently, I downloaded the Democracy Player and discovered Telemusicvision. It’s just music videos you can download and watch through the player… I know, crazy. There’s one in particular that I’ve been watching over and over. Bright Eyes’ The Bottom of Everything is a haunting song about a plane crash, and the video gives it this happy sureal edge that’s completely engrossing.\
The only problem I have with videos is that they taint songs forever. A song that I may have some deep emotional connection can be totally ruined by the video. It’s a risk, but hey, I get to watch music video again. Hooray, interweb! And the best part? They’re all independent artists.\
OK, one last thing before I toddle off the bed. I’ve been thinking about this since coming back from Edinburgh with my UK Big Brother addiction. Don’t you think that DirecTV or someone gave us the best TV from all over the world? I had high hopes for BBC America, but the only current thing they show is BBC News. I want the best of British, Australian, New Zealand, and if they can do subtitles quick enough, the best of everyone else’s TV too. DirecTV has room for way more channels, and they already provide scores of Spanish, French, Chinese and Indian channels as unadvertised add-ons, why not a premium package of the best of the rest of the English-speaking world? I can understand licensing issues with networks like Channel4 replaying US shows, but there are ways around that (and about time, I would think). Right now, the only way to get really good reality TV (well, if insanely entertaining crazy people is “really good” – I think it is) is to download it “illegally” with bittorrent. If someone gave me another way to do it that was legal and easier, I’d totally do it. I’d pay as much as I do for HBO to get a package of UK and Australian networks, even if they blacked out replays of US shows. Come on DirecTV, gimme what I want! -
VM conference
Someone cooler than me posted a recap of the Veronica Mars conference I participated in. Brownie points and bragging rights for the first person to identify my question!\
Here is a quote from Rob: The first episode is Veronica Mars for beginners. The case is pretty straight ahead and used to largely introduce us to the new characters. I’ve tried to really front load the episodes with fun breezy banter, that would play nicely with the Gilmore Girls audience, sort of inviting them into the show. It starts feeling more like our show in the final five minutes. The second episode which ranks with some of our best ever, is Veronica Mars at its best.\
See, he made it easy for you guys to catch up with Veronica Mars. And the episode does a great job of introducing characters to the new audience without long expositions. Thumbs up for Rob on that aspect. -
Veronica Mars is Back!
I watched the premiere early, and now you can too: Veronica Mars 3.1!
My Ode to Rob Thomas
I love Rob Thomas. Not the guy from Matchbox Twenty. I am talking about the creator of Veronica Mars. He is funny, down-to-earth, and so frakkin’ accessible to his fans, that I want to smoosh him.\
Ok, this was a small ode, but very heartfelt.\
Remember when I complained about being off of the cool kids’ list? Well, I made it on the list, and got to participate in a telephone conference call with Rob himself. YAY! That makes me deliriously happy.\
PS, I have already seen the season premiere. WHEEE. More info tomorrow. Kisses!