• None of these are interesting, sorry.

    Kevin wants me to do the “five things you may not know about me” meme.

    • Except for a handful of must-haves, I don’t like owning DVDs or books. I am more of a “watch ’em/read ’em and rotate ’em” kind of gal.
    • I started college in the Honors College with a major in Electrical Engineering. What the heck was I thinking?
    • Even though we’ve lived in this house for over seven years (!!!), the master bedroom looks like the “before” on makeover show: temporary curtains, no pictures on the wall, clutter everywhere. We have a big bed with lots of pillows and no tv, so at least we are doing something right.
    • Comfort entertainment:\
      movie- Drive Me Crazy\
      tv- Designed to Sell\
      song- Jukebox Hero by Foreigner\
      books- Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and Mammoth Hunters by Jean M Auel
    • Dream job: organizational professional. (Which is funny considering my bedroom, right?)
  • Social Networking Mashups

    I’m speaking today at The Social Networking Conference about social networking mashups. I decided to turn it on its head a little bit and do an introduction on portable social networking instead, because what is it but a big ol’ mashup of identity, relationships and content?\
    If you’re at the conference, I’ll see you at 1:30, and I’ve updated the slides a bit since I had to turn them in for the CD, so the presentation is a wee bit bigger and more complete than the one you got in your packet. I’ve uploaded the “final” version here, and you’re welcome to download it.\
    Feedback is welcome. I certainly couldn’t cover everything, because I only have about 35 minutes to cover everything (and 36 slides). I don’t touch on the Data Portability working group, or several other relevant things, because there just isn’t time. It’s very much an introduction into why it makes sense for social networks to support “good things” like OpenID, Creative Commons, microformats, providing feeds for everything, etc. Hopefully, it will lead to more technical discussions and some good questions.\
    Feedback is, of course, welcome!

  • Oy with the urine already!

    I can’t get Brian to stop peeing in his underwear. Waaaaaaaaaaah.\
    And Kevin’s hotel is RIGHT ON THE BEACH. Double waaaaaah. I should have gone. :(\
    In super good news though, Kevin will be home for 14 hours this weekend, just in time for the Super Bowl. YAY!

  • Tagged by a Chipman

    Well Steve got me, and well, since I’m awake and everyone else is in bed, why not? I like a meme as much as the next guy, so I’ll play along. Here are five things you probably don’t know about me, even if you’ve been reading this blog for almost eight years:

    1. I was a missionary for the LDS Church (yep, the Mormons). I was sent to the Spokane, Washington area, rode a bike for two months and then was sent to a very large area near Fairchild Air Force Base and then the fun started. In less than a month, I totaled a mission car, watched my companion sneak out of our apartment to go to Wal-Mart with a female friend of the family we lived with, blew out my ankle, and went home in a cast. It took me quite a while to get over my disappointment with the whole mission experience. It was “sold” as this great spiritual experience, but ended up feeling a lot like selling used cars to people who were pretty darned happy with their bikes.
    2. I was on a TV show. Yes, really. When I lived in Tucson, my friends and I started and ran a Saturday night tech call-in show that competed directly with SNL. It was called Tech X and I played “Otto the HED”, a floating head that sat behind the hosts and said really stupid things. Yes, there is video around somewhere, and I’ll try to post some… but won’t look too hard for it.
    3. I swear… a lot. Now, to some of you, this isn’t a surprise. To others, maybe it is. I don’t know why I do it, but I do. I’ve tried to stop, and hell, I may try again, but maybe not.
    4. I never finished college. You know number 1 up there? Well, after I got home, I recovered for a little while and then got what I thought was a summer job taking tech support calls for AOL at the call center in Tucson. I met so many cool interesting people and was having so much fun, I just never went back. I just kept learning and trying new things, and well, here I am.
    5. I hate bananas, hate them. No really, can’t stand how they feel, smell, or heaven forbid, taste. I always have and am not sure why. Just can’t stand ’em.\
      There you go. You know who I’m going to tag? I’m gonna tag Jen. Sweetie, that means you gotta post five things that folks probably don’t know about you. Won’t that be fun?
  • My boys

    I think I broke Kevin’s heart just a little when I told him that Brian was wearing size 5T pants.

  • I am a pretty, pretty princess

    Tons of people, or like five, helped make my anniversary really special. (Thanks, everyone!) Should I tell the story in chronological order or by category? Hmm, I think ‘by category’ will illustrate how spoiled I truly was.\
    The presents:

    * Last fall I found a ring I wanted to mark the occasion (10 years, yo!). I was drawn to the sapphire stone because it represents loyalty and fidelity (except for Princess Diana, oops) and because the dark blue is so pretty. I was psyched when I found this and Kevin bought it for me:


    * A couple of weeks ago, Kevin accidentally surprised me early with a second present. (I opened it thinking it was something I ordered). It was new digital photo frame, like the one we got my parents for Christmas. I was oooing and awwing over it so much, Kevin decided not to wait until Mother’s Day. YAY! The first picture I want uploaded:


    The activities:

    * Since we knew Kevin was going to be out of town on our anniversary, we scrapped our original plans and celebrated last Saturday. We went to The Cheesecake Factory and saw Juno. Woot. It was the perfect movie to see and an overall great night. (Spoiler alert: Ellen Page is the cutest thing ever. And Jennifer Garner made me cry.)

    * My MIL called yesterday afternoon and offered to babysit the kids so I could go out. I whooped, “Hell, yea!” I saw 27 Dresses which was cute and perfect for the evening. (I’ve only been a bridesmaid/maid of honor six times. I feel like an underachiever now.) While I was out, my MIL and the kids cleaned up the toys in the tv room and did the dishes. Super woot!\
    The deliveries:

    * Shortly after breakfast I received two dozen long stemmed roses, perfectly arranged. They were beautiful and smelled so good. YAY! I love roses.

    * A little later, the doorbell rang again. Max excitedly announced, “It’s another delivery!” It was a big brown box… for Kevin. Oh well, can’t win them all.

    * But then! Late in the afternoon, I got an awesome gift basket from Kevin’s work peeps. Wheee. It contained pampering supplies and a gift certificate to a nail salon. I’ve never had a professional pedicure and I am really looking forward to it. (Thanks, Kevin’s work peeps!)\
    The expressions of love:

    * Kevin tells the world how he feels about me. Little old me. Aww, shucks.

    * Kevin made me a heart. I think out of everything I received and did, this is my favorite. I can just imagine him in front of the laptop, making sure the heart looks right on the monitor; I love how his pinkies aren’t touching; and the expectant look on his face as he peers over the top of the heart at the camera. It makes my insides all squishy and my heart go pitter-pat. Thanks, hon. I love you.

    Kevin making a finger heart.

  • Happy Anniversary, Lady!

    Kevin Lawver making a heart with his hands in a very cheesy self-portrait photo.

    Jen already posted her list, but since I’m in California, I’m not late with mine. I honestly can’t believe it’s been ten years. It certainly doesn’t feel like it. She said all the important stuff – that it’s been way easier than we thought it would be, and while we’ve had “issues” over the years, we’ve figured them all out together and come out the other side stronger and happier for it. Jen puts up with a lot. I travel too much, work long hours, am distracted when I’m at home sometimes (part of my New Year’s resolution, and I’m getting better, but it’s still hard to switch gears) and other stuff that’s not as important, but probably just as annoying.\
    Jen already gave a partial list of stuff that sticks out to me, but I was thinking about it last night, and here are some other things that have made the last ten years fly by:

    • Jen’s verbal dyslexia. I wrote a blog entry about it a long time ago (thanks for finding it, Dave!), but she sometimes mixes up the first syllable of two words (like “toin coss” instead of “coin toss”), and then gets this look on her face like she knows she just said something funny but can’t figure out what. My all-time favorite is “Moodist Bunks”.
    • It’s that we’re pretty much always making things fun, no matter how stupid, icky or menial they are.
    • She makes me want to be a better man.
    • She’s understanding and never makes me feel bad about things I can’t control.\
      Like I said five years ago, I’d do it all again in an instant. The sun definitely still shines out your ass, sweetie, and you’re gorgeous (if you haven’t seen Juno, you really should). Actually, since both of our asses have “settled” a little over the years, it shines even brighter.\
      I love you.
  • 10 Years, Baby!

    Today is Kevin and my 10 year anniversary. Woot. I’m not surprised that we are this happy but I am surprised how easy marriage has been. The media gives marriage a bad name, I think.\
    Sunshine still flies out of our asses even though we’ve gained weight, have hair growing out of new places, and started snoring. Of the past ten years, I remember: trying to fool around in our hotel room the night before Kevin’s brother’s wedding and being interrupted every ten minutes by various family members; getting in over my head while painting the guest room and sheepishly asking him to finish the room; and being grateful that he doesn’t fuss when the house is a mess and dinner hasn’t been made. Kevin remembers our cross-country move a year after we were married; and learning about our first child by walking in the front door and immediately being greeted by me asking, “Do you want to take your pregnant wife out to dinner?” We’ve also had fun vacations and holidays and big moments like the birth of our children, broken legs, world travel, postpartum depression, and huge promotions. Mostly, though, it is the small things that stand out. It’s been a great and fun ten years. We think the next ten years will be even better. Hurray!\
    Kevin is out of town today, which is totally ok with me. In fact, it was my idea so that he could come home for a few days and rest up before going on another trip. That’s more important in the long run and that’s how awesome I am. 🙂 We celebrated our anniversary early and it was fab. To be honest, I am more sad that Kevin will be missing the Super Bowl than our anniversary or Valentine’s Day. Those last two occasions can be “moved” to other days, but I don’t think the Super Bowl can be postponed just for us. Too bad.

  • Me me me me me!!

    Kevin is gone for almost a month and my friends think I should use this extra alone time to explore new hobbies. Doesn’t that sound awesome? Now that Brian is becoming more independent during playtime and is in school I actually have time for a new hobby or two. Except, I don’t have a clue what hobbies I want to explore. Anyone have ideas for me?

  • Brian, Snow Explorer

    I Found You, Mommy

    Jen took a bunch of pictures of the boys on Thursday playing in the snow. Enjoy!